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Musto’s New York Drop Point is stocked and ready for you to pick up!

Musto Wine Grape and D'Arrigo New York are partnering up this season. If you live in the New York area and have had trouble finding quality wine grapes and juices, D'Arrigo New York will be handling our entire product line AND have the support of our winemaking team. Lab testing, fermentation protocols, and other specific services only offered at Musto Wine Grape will be available to D'Arrigo New York customers. Also, a Musto Representative will be onsite Thursday through Sunday to help assist in your winemaking needs. Give them a call at 718-960-0580 or email them at winegrape@darrigony.com for more information on when you can pick up your grapes and juices. Cheers to families coming together for the love of winemaking!

Phone: 718-960-0580
Email: winegrape@darrigony.com
Address: 750 Drake St, Bronx, NY

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